Development of a Schedule Baseline Project Management

While you may not have a team, you will have several inputs handy to help you along the way. These include the project charter, the project WBS you created, and the numerous examples of diagrams shared.

To complete this assignment, please use the provided template to provide the following information:

  1. WBS ID: Number that links the activity to your WBS
  2. Activity details: Please use complete sentences so they are clear
  3. Effort: Number of hours needed to complete the task
  4. Duration: Number of days to complete the task

Please note that numbers 3 & 4 above are not duplicates. Effort and durations are separate calculations and are important for understanding the schedule baseline. The effort depicts the number of hours and duration reflects the overall time needed for the task. For example, you may have task A that takes Resource B only 3 hours to complete, but Resource B, may need three full weeks to apply those 3 hours. Thus, the fill-in would look like this:

  • WBS ID: 1.1
  • Activity details: Complete task A
  • Effort: 3 hours
  • Duration: 3 weeks

Effort helps us determine the costs associated with the project while duration helps us determine the overall schedule.

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