For this assignment, be sure to keep yourself safe and maintain social distance. Between now and when the assignment is due, observe people around you for deviant behaviors. Remember, deviance is defined as a violation of cultural norms” and can be something as simple as how a person dresses to something much more serious such as a criminal act. Note your own reaction to the deviant behavior as well as the reactions of others.
Your assignment is below and must include all of the following:
1) Describe in detail the deviant act and why the act is considered deviant. Include date, time, location, and other pertinent details.
2) What was your reaction to the deviant act? The reaction of others? How did it make you feel? How do you think the person engaging in the deviant act felt?
3) What did this assignment teach you about deviant behavior? Do you think you will look at those engaging in deviant behavior any differently now? Why or why not?
You paper needs to include supporting material from your text. Outside research is encouraged. However, be sure to cite sources when using the work of others in your paper.