Grading Summary These are the automatically computed results of your exam. Grades for essay questions and comments from your instructor are in the “Details” section below. Date Taken: 5/26/2015 Time Spent: 1 Days 5 h 14 min 21 secs Points Received: 25 / 25 (100%) Question Type: # Of Questions: # Correct: Essay 5 N/A Grade Details – All Questions Question 1. Question : Write a program to get eight-bit data from PORTA and send it to PORTB and PORTC. Make sure to define each port as input or output. Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Question 2. Question : Write a program to toggle all bits of PORTA continuously by sending $55 and $AA to it. Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Question 3. Question : Write a program to toggle PB3 PB7 and PB5 continuously without disturbing the rest of the bits. Assume that there is a delay procedure that you can call. Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Question 4. Question : Write a program to monitor Bit PJ3 which is connected to a switch. When it is HIGH send 55H to the output port PORTB. You also need to define the PJ3 bit as an input port and PORTB as an output port. Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: Question 5. Question : Eight switches are connected to PORTB and eight LEDs are connected to PORTA. We would like to monitor the first two least significant bits of PORTB (use masking technique). Whenever both of these bits are set switch all LEDs of Port A on for one second. Assume that the name of the delay subroutine is DELAY. You do not need to write the code for the delay procedure. Points Received: 5 of 5 Comments: * Times are displayed in (GM