Devry LAS432 Midterm Exam—November 2015

LAS 432 Midterm Exam—November 2015Write essays of about one to one and a half pages (300-400 words) to each of the following questions. Each question is based on an assigned chapter from our textbook. Write the response in your own words. You may use short quotes of a sentence or less from the textbook to support your ideas and you may also refer to the videos we watched in class but don’t use any web sites. If your essay shows significant matching to external web sites your grade will be adversely affected.Chapter 1In your own words analyze and discuss the strengths and limitations of Kant’s categorical imperative Mill’s utilitarianism and Rawls’ positive and negative rights. Next take a controversial issue in technology such as Edward Snowden’s decision to leak classified documents (discussed in United States of Secrets) GM’s ignition system failure and coverup (from Failure to Recall) or free software vs. proprietary software (interview with Richard Stallman) and discuss it from the point of view of Kant Mill or Rawls.Chapter 7In section 7.3.1 (pp. 331-336) Baase discusses Neo-Luddite views of technology. She mentions 8 specific criticisms of computers made by Neo-Luddites (pp. 334-335). Of those 8 criticisms choose the one you feel is most valid and discuss it in detail. Provide one example of a form of modern technology that we’d be better off without.Chapter 8Assume that the family of one of the victims of the Therac-25 (pp.377-380) has filed three lawsuits. They are suing the hospital that used the machine the company that made the machine and the programmer who wrote the software. The lawsuits have been consolidated into one single case and you are the judge. It is up to you to decide the level of responsibility of each of the defendants and the amount if any each must pay the family. Write your final judgment.Chapter 4Carefully re-read the sections of chapter 4 on digital rights management and anti-circumvention provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (p. 200-203). Some people believe that the DMCA’s anti-circumvention provisions put unfair limits on fair use. Your friend a CIS major has devised a program that allows users to get around DRM features so that they can lend or give away a purchased copy of a copyrighted work. Is your friend’s program ethical or unethical?