dicussion post factors influencing chronic conditions

due today asap please i can provide log in so you can look at the chapters reading  

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 from the course textbook, the web page, and review this weeks Instructor Guidance. 


Using the course textbook as your source, choose one of the chronic conditions found in Chapters 3 through 10 and then answer the bulleted prompts below. For this discussion, you will write your initial post on one of the three Bronfenbrenners ecological models as assigned in the table.

Bronfenbrenners Ecological Model of Human DevelopmentFirst Initial of Last NameMicro-systemA, D, I, J, O, P, S, V, YMeso-systemB, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W, ZMacro-systemC, F, G, L, M, R, U, X