digital 1


Think about companies creating hashtags to use in marketing campaigns about their product (i.e. idea, thing, service). 

  • Does anyone actually “own” a hashtag?
  • Can anyone control hashtag use?
  • What is Hashtag Hickacking about, and how can it relate to social media marketing?
  • How can companies plan for or respond to hashtag hijacking?
  • Are posts that try and dictate how people should use hashtags effective or do they just create more “noise” in the channel that distracts from the desired message? Do some research and try to find real world examples to support your conclusion.

  Using #DigitalPowerups 

you must (1) identify each #DigitalPowerup used in your responses by using the appropriate bolded #hashtag AND you must (2) actually apply the powerup correctly based on the instructions below.


  INSTRUCTIONS  you should aim to write about one paragraph per powerup. You will be graded based on the numbers of powerups correctly and meaningfully applied to the discussion. 

???? Remember

   List or restate something from the content presented; then, add an opinion in your response. Use #remember

???? Understand

   Ask a question regarding something you are unsure about related to the content presented (also explain why you are unsure about it or think it is worth understanding), and provide your best guess at an answer. Use #understand

???? Apply

   Organize the content presented into something new. This could take the form of a table, chart, timeline, diagram, model or other visualization. To get credit for this powerup, you must actually organize the content into something new, not just post something you found online. If adding a visualization, it must be embedded, not attached. Use #apply

???? Analyze

   Examine a quote or an excerpt from the content presented, and then compare it to a different source. Explain why you think they’re related. To get credit for this powerup, you must actually compare it to a different source and include the source for reference. Use #analyze


   Critique something from the content presented in a respectful manner. Cite evidence to support your critique in your response. To get credit for this powerup, you must actually include cited evidence. Use #evaluate

???? Create

   Create something new based on the content presented.  You can use text, images, photos, video, screencasts, audio recordings, digital media, or other supplies in your creation. To get credit for this powerup, you must actually create something new, not just post something you found online. If adding a visualization, it must be embedded, not attached. Use #create

???? Connect

   Connect the content presented to an issue or experience outside of this course. Think either globally or from your own personal experience and share how you feel it makes a relevant connection. Use #connect