Digital communications

Narrative in the Digital AgeFinal PaperDr. Shawn [email protected]

Choose one of the following topics, and write an essay of 5-7 pages. You must use at least one secondary source that isnt on our syllabus.

Download and play Divination (see Moodle page for instructions), and try to follow different paths/sets of choices. Answer the following questions:
Describe the games Textual Universe what types of fictional worlds does it contain, and how do they differ from each other?
How is player choice expressed in this hypertext, and what are its limits?

Read Erfworld book 1 (pages 1-150) and answer the following questions:

What type(s) of metalepsis are being used in this story?

Discuss the use of intertextuality in Erfworld what does it express, and what purpose does it serve in the story?

Font: Times New Roman 12, double spaced
Indented paragraphs
Cover page
Remember to provide textual evidence for your claims, and avoid summary!
Citations should be MLA Style you must include a Works Cited at the end of the paper.
All papers are to be uploaded to the Moodle by August 12, 13:00.
