Digital marketing media

The political campaign of then Senator Barack Obama has been hailed as one of the most dominant and effective marketing campaigns ever, taking an unknown Senator from Illinois and propelling him to become the 44th President of the United States. After database marketing and the use of the Internet and social media proved a key to winning the presidential election in 2008, the Obama campaign team vowed to exploit it even more during his 2012 reelection campaign. Personalizing communications and saying and doing the right thing for the right person at the right time are critical for marketing effectiveness, as marketers for the Obama 2008 and 2012 campaigns recognized.

This assignment is an opportunity to validate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts to real events. In this assignment you will describe and analyze how the Obama campaigns marketing communications methods shaped those used in the 2016 Presidential campaigns and what we can expect in the 2020 campaign.  In your paper support your analysis using research (Internet or other forms) and the ideas and concepts presented in chapter 14-17.

Ensure that your paper incorporates the following:

  • A minimum two page Microsoft word document (not including cover page, table of contents, etc.)
  • Double-spaced lines
  • 12-point font size text
  • APA writing style