Read section on Islam and answer one of the questions at the end or one of the following bonus questions. (Be sure to indicate which question you are answering.)

Bonus Questions:

1. What comparisons can be drawn between Shari’a law and the Ten Commandments?

2. Based on your learning from this section, in what ways can individuals foster greater understanding about Islam and dispel misunderstandings people have about Muslims?

3. What are your thoughts about the role of women in Islam? 

Submission Instructions:

  • Your response must be at least one substantive paragraph and must demonstrate evidence of reading. formatted and cited in current APA style. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • Your response should be clear and concise. The one paragraph limit dictates that the point of the exercise is not to give a final answer to the question posed. You have a single paragraph to write for each question; make it a great one.