Discuss: Disunity in the Church

I dont have the required readings for this assignment if you could do your best on this assignment and give me quality work to turn in I will give you a 10 star rating!!!

The disunity in the Corinthian church surfaced both in the relationship between fellow believers (1 Corinthians) and between leaders and laypeople (2 Corinthians). It is important that we not only identify areas of disunity from the first century but that we begin to look for dynamically equivalent areas in the 21st century.

This assignment will assist us in making specific applications to our day. In your initial post, respond to the following questions in no more than 2 full paragraphs:

If Paul would appear on the scene today and visit a group of churches in your area, what 2 specific examples of disunity within the church might he identify?
How would he see the gospel correcting the disunity?
What do you think he would say?