Discuss: The Body of Christ

I do not have all the required reading materials for this assignment if you can give me quality work to turn in and do your best I will give you a 10 star rating!!!

The gospel gives hope to us, both individually and as a community of faith. While personal transformation is where the gospel must begin, it is not where it ends. It also impacts how we relate to one another within the body of Christ and to those outside the body of Christ. This assignment will help us to consider the impact of the gospel in our lives and communities.

Before you begin, take time to read through Romans (Links to an external site.), 1 Corinthians (Links to an external site.), and 2 Corinthians (Links to an external site.). Consider making these books a part of your daily Bible reading so that you are well acquainted with their contents as you complete this week’s activities.

Then, read the following passages from your textbooks:

Blomberg, From Pentecost to Patmos, chapters 56 (Links to an external site.)
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Tentmaking (Links to an external site.)”
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Gospel (Links to an external site.)”
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters, “Cross, Theology of (Links to an external site.)”
Now, watch the following videos:

In your initial post, answer the following questions:

What are some ways in which the gospel changes us as individuals and as a community of faith according to 1 Corinthians?
What are some ways in which the gospel changes us as individuals and as a community of faith according to 2 Corinthians?
What are some ways in which the gospel changes us as individuals and as a community of faith according to Romans?
In 13 paragraphs, present your responses to the group. Make connections as appropriate to other course material, your experiences, or personal insights.