Discussion 1


Order Instructions
From the readings, which individual article/topic do you feel was the most important in regards to the law enforcement executive? Be sure to address the legal, administrative and operational perspectives in your response.

Articles: (All attached)

Lesson 4 – The Courts

Emmelman, D. S. (1996). Trial by plea bargain: Case settlement as a product of recursive decisionmaking. Law & Society Review, 30(2), 335-360. doi:10.2307/3053962

Fisher, T. (2007). The boundaries of plea bargaining: Negotiating the standard of proof. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 97(4), 943-1007. Retrieved from

Lang, D. M. (2012). Padilla v. Kentucky: The effect of plea colloquy warnings on defendants’ ability To bring successful Padilla claims. Yale Law Journal, 121(4), 944-997. Retrieved from

Metcalfe, C. (2016). The role of courtroom workgroups in felony case dispositions: An analysis of workgroup familiarity and similarity. Law & Society Review, 50(3), 637-673. doi:10.1111/lasr.12217

Watson, D. (2010). The attorney general’s guidelines on plea bargaining in serious fraud: Obtaining guilty pleas fairly? Journal of Criminal Law, 74(1), 77-90. doi:10.1350/jcla.2010.74.1.617