Discussion 1 Alison is a 65-year-old female who is meeting with the Social Worker at her assisted living home. The staff at the assisted living home have noticed that Alison’s appetite has decreased,

Discussion 1

Alison is a 65-year-old female who is meeting with the Social Worker at her assisted living home. The staff at the assisted living home have noticed that Alison’s appetite has decreased, she has been sleeping more and has reported to the staff that she feels sad and hopeless.

As a Social Worker meeting with Alison, please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion response:

  • How can you apply the interventions from the readings with Alison?
  • Do you think you would need to assess Alison for any risk of suicide?
  • How would Cognitive Behavioral interventions be a useful intervention for Alison?

To receive full credit, you will need to fully answer the discussion questions and provide two substantial responses to your classmate’s posts. These responses should also be substantial and provide thoughtful reflection.

Paper should be a minimum of 200 words APA





Discussion 2:

Please read the following article and watch the video, within the article, about the healing power of music for Alzheimer’s patients.


After reviewing the video and article, please consider the following for your discussion post:

  • What are your thoughts on the benefits of music for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease?
  • How could you apply this information in your own Social Work practice?
  • Please share any other thoughts.

To receive full credit, you will need to fully answer the discussion questions and provide two substantial responses to your classmate’s posts. These responses should also be substantial and provide thoughtful reflection.

Paper should be a minimum of 200 words APA

Discussion 3

Please review the readings and consider the following in your discussion response:

  • What are some of the benefits of spirituality/faith for older adults?
  • As a Social Worker, how can you support older adults with their faith or spirituality?
  • Could there be any challenges if your spirituality/faith differs from the clients you are working with?

To receive full credit, you will need to fully answer the discussion questions and provide two substantial responses to your classmate’s posts. These responses should also be substantial and provide thoughtful reflection.

Paper should be a minimum of 200 words APA



Spirituality and Aging