1- Topic: Some writers have called the emergence of electronic commerce to be a revolution. Others have described it as a series of waves. 

  •  Create a thread 
  • (Your post) In two to three paragraphs briefly describe the merits of each point of view

2- Topic: Situations (business or personal) in which you might find a personal area network to be useful.  

  •  Create a thread 
  • (Your post) In two to three paragraphs briefly describe the merits of each point of view

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAyB0qxFBhE&feature=emb_title

3- Topic: Why would an online retailer send printed catalogs to customers and or potential customers? 

  •  Create a thread 
  • (Your post) In two to three paragraphs briefly describe the merits of each point of view

Link: https://www.retaildive.com/news/why-paper-catalogs-still-matter/506298/