

 Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per DQ, with a minimum of three sentences each paragraph.

      All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (7th ed.)

      Minimum of two (2) references, not older than 2015.

Nursing Research:


Discuss the topic you are planning to use for the clinical practice experience. Create a PICOT research question that will guide the practice experience.

*See the attachment for a PICOT selection guidelines

 QD2. Discuss the purpose of the literature review and which topics are you going to search for your topic? Discuss also what are the challenges that nurses are facing today when they have to do a literature review?


 QD1. Fifty-fouryear-old Fred is complaining of a headache that started about 2 weeks ago. For the past 2 days, the headache has increased in severity, and he is photophobic and has uncial rigidity and projectile vomiting. CT scan results show an arteriovenous malformation in the basal artery and a small hemorrhagic bleed in the middle meningeal artery

1.How is the concept disorders of brain function related to Freds presenting symptoms?

2.What aspects of cerebral circulation would come into play in Freds case?


QD2. A 32-year-old mother is driving her 10-year-old daughter home from the store when their van is stuck by a drunk driver, causing their vehicle to careen over a bridge into the water below. The daughters arm is caught underneath a crumpled seat. Acting quickly, the mother is able to move the entire 400-lb seat to free her daughters arm and take her to safety. They are taken to a local emergency room and treated for minor injuries.

  1. When the mother arrives to the ER, she is perplexed at how she was able to move the seat. She tells you she can barely lift 50 lb at home. She asks you how it was possible for her to move such a tremendous amount. How would you respond?
  2. The woman asks you how to further explain to her how all levels of the brain work together to perform such a complex movement?