
Discussion Forum 2-  Literature, Childrens Aesthetic and Developmental Needs
Length of Initial Post – 300-350 words

Read The Bat-Poet, a book by Randall Jarrell and Maurice Sendak (pages scanned in folder in this weeks Learning Module).
Read Literature: What is It? an essay by Rebecca Lukens.
Read Aesthetic Development in Early Childhood, an essay by Tawnya Eash.
Read Child Development Needs, an essay by Gerison Lansdown. 
Post on Discussion Forum #2 (deadline for Initial post on Friday, Sept. 10, at 11:59 p.m.

Writing Prompt:
Read through the essays by Lukens, Eash, and Lansdown.  Reflect on their ideas in the light of your own life experiences, and of what you have observed in others.
Then, carefully compose a well-written, organized set of reflections to post in this weeks Discussion Forum.  In your reflections, engage with the following critical questions:
How important, in your view, is a childs pleasure in reading a story?
How important is it that a child learn the lesson or lessons that the adult writers intends the child to learn?
In responding to these questions, do not neglect to reflect upon your own experiences growing up.  After all, our early experiences of reading and writingboth in school and at homeoften shape our attitudes towards reading and its value.  Did you experience a tension between the reading you were required to do at school and the reading you wanted to do at home?