
Watch the short video on a business-to-business (B2B) buyer-seller relationship, think about how it connects to what you’ve learned so far, and answer the questions below.  Be sure to understand what a B2B relationship is!

State the question and then your responses.

Question 1. In your own words (approximately 50 words), explain how this video illustrates a customer-centric philosophy

Question 2. Explain how George and his company (seller) achieved a 360o view or single view of XYZ Corporation (buyer)?

Question 3. Explain two (2) connections you observed in this video that were discussed in Module 1, other than the single view of the customer. Be sure to explain what the concept is, how it is illustrated in this video, and where you found it in the course materials. 

Question 4. How might CRM be used in a not-for-profit setting such as local government or charitable fundraising? Be specific.

Question 5. State a thought-provoking question you have about differentiation or CRM in general. Don’t ask it if the answer can be easily found in the course material!