discussion 12

five (5) of the Chapter Objectives for the week providing at least three (3) complete sentences for each objective. Chapter Objectives are found at the beginning of each Chapter. You may choose which five objectives to respond to; please number each of your responses and begin by stating the original objective you are responding to.

  • Discuss the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the APA 
  • Describe the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the American Psychiatric Association 
  • Summarize the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the NIMH Identify the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the NAMI
  • identify the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the NAMI 
  • Describe the mission , vision, and organizational structure of the WFMH 
  • Describe the mission , vision, and organizational structure of the American Academy of Psychotherapists 
  • Explain the mission, vision, and organizational structure of the APHA- Mental Health Section 
  • Explain the mission, vision , and organizational structure of the SAMHSA 
  • Identify some national and international mental health organizations.