Discussion 2


Discussion Board Question 2

The Goals of Deterrence

As we learned from our Chapter 3 readings, the Age of Enlightenment brought on a new wave of thinking about criminal behavior and notably, law and punishment. Instead of viewing crime as an outcome of witchcraft, theorists shifted to a new paradigm that viewed people and offenders as rational thinkers with free will.

Based on the material from lecture and reading, what are Beccaria’s three criteria for effective punishment? In other words, what are the three necessary components that punishment has to be for it to deter people from offending? Please explain each criteria. 

In addition, what are the goals of general deterrence and specific deterrence? Provide an explanation and an example of each type of deterrence.  

As a reminder, be sure to fully address all parts of the prompt using the reading and lecture material to support your answers. A one sentence explanation or bullet points will not receive full credit. You must answer each of the prompt’s questions in detail.

For example, “According to Rennison and Dodge (2021), Beccaria’s three criteria for effective punishment include…” Then, you would provide a description of each of the three criteria.

As always, please remain respectful and civil in your posts.