Discussion 2

Questions for Discussion:

The textbook talks about values (CH 5) which represent the basic convictions that we all have. They contain a judgmental element because they carry an individuals ideas about what is right, good, or desirable.  Many of our values are established in our early years by our parents, and other values come later from teachers, coaches, friends, and/or colleagues.  There has been a lot of research about Generational Values.  Based on your Generation, answer the following:

1. What is your generation? (Baby Boomers approximately 1946-1964, Gen Xers approximately 1965-1979, Millennials approximately 1980-1995, or Gen Z approximately 1996-2012) 

2. What do you like most about it?

3. What strategies can we use when communicating with different generations?

Answer the following questions by referencing Exhibit 5.3: Hollands Typology of Personality and Congruent Occupations:

1. Which personality type fits you the best, and what occupation(s) would be a good fit based on this information?

2. The concept of person-organization fit tells us that people are attracted to organizations that match their values. When searching for an internship or full-time position, how will you find organizations that match your values?  (company website, reviews, news stories, etc.)  Provide examples of what you will be looking for (ethical company, innovative company, supportive/learning culture, etc.). 

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