Discussion 2- Birthright to US Citizenship


Debate Topic:  Should Children of Undocumented Immigrants Have a  Birthright to US Citizenship?  Research this topic and discuss two (2)  supporting arguments for both the affirmative side and the negative  sides of the argument (the initial post must be made by March 4, 2021).   Then respond to two classmates post addressing the holes (weakness) in  their arguments for either the affirmative or negative sides.  A book of  readings of the argument is available in the Valencia West Campus   library on reserves (Taking Sides).  In addition, Opposing Viewpoints  are available in the library database online.  Please include at least  two sources using APA format.  Due March 21, 2020 due to Spring Break  week.

What Makes A Good Discussion Post?

Substantial–thoughtful, original, relevant and contributes to the  overall learning of the group (here are some tips on Giving and  Receiving Feedback)

Thought-provoking–stimulates thinking and reasoning

Timely–post early to give your peers time to respond, this contributes to a rich discussion

Logical, concise, and grammatical