

Respond to each of the following prompts about your research project. Write in complete sentences and provide as much detail as possible. This assignment will be graded as either “approved” (full credit) or “not approved” (no credit). An approved proposal is required before beginning your research project. A new proposal form must be completed if you decide to change your research topic. Research Topic: Describe the general topic your research project will focus on. Please note that your research topic must respond in some way to one or more of the readings that have been assigned for the class

Motivation, Ethos, and Audience: Why are you interested in this topic and what do you know about it already? Who else would be interested in the topic and what evidence can you provide that other people would be interested in it? 

Research Questions: Make a list of 2 to 5 research questions about works of literature that you intend to answer by conducting this research project. (Please note that good research questions will be open ended. If you already know the answer to the question or if you can quickly find the answer through a basic internet search, then it is not likely to be a good research question. 

Methods: Explain how you are going to go about answering your research question. 

Questions for the Instructor: What are you unsure about or what might you need assistance with to carry out the research project you are proposing? 

Reading, Viewing, and Listening List: Make a preliminary list of at least 10 stories, poems, articles, videos, podcasts, etc. that will help you answer your research questions. Provide the author’s name, title, publisher, and publication date for each research source and include a URL address if the source is accessible online