discussion #3


Please watch the two below videos

Question: Give a personal example of when you found yourself in an ethical dilemma. Do NOT use real names or companies’ names. Was it an easy or hard decision? Did you feel any repercussions from the companies, staff, or friends?

1. You will receive 20 points for a good thoughtful post and 10 points for a thoughtful reply to a post from two other students.

2. Your original post is due on the discussion board due date. You will then have 1 week after the due date to post your reply to another student’s original post.

Writing expectations:

Original Posts should be a minimum of  250 words and reply to posts should be a minimum of 150 words.   Your posts should be full sentences with punctuation. Texting shorthand is not acceptable. A response to the post Dude thats cool is not an acceptable post in a college class.