discussion 4

 Most strategies are deliberate in structure. They are intentional, vetted, and data supported prior to implementation. There are occasions that a change of plans might occur due to unexpected events requiring a change of action. This strategy is called emergent. Define and debate the origins and differences between a deliberate strategy and an emergent strategy. How might an emergent strategy help with future strategic planning processes?

Deliberate strategies are planned, data supported, implemented, and managed. Emergent strategies are often unexpected, reactionary, and untested. Part of the process for strategic development is the establishment of metrics to measure the progressive success of the strategic plan. Based on the metric options discussed in Chapter 8 of the text, what types of measurement would be appropriate and necessary to support the change when considering the deployment of an emergent strategy? What are the potential consequences for ignoring emergent strategies? Research and discuss an emergent strategy implemented by an organization and its success or failure.

Guided Response: Your initial post must be specific and significant. The initial post must be between 300 and 350 words. You must support your post with at least two scholarly resources in addition to the text to defend your positions and findings.