Discussion: 4.1Theory vs. Practice: Does Theoretical Knowledge Always Work Out? 4.2 Discussion: The Importance of Systems Methodology to Your Job

 4.1 first discussion

Getting Started

Seminal works are those that are generally considered to be critical to an understanding of a discipline.  However, as our understanding of disciplines change, what may have been considered a seminal work in the past may become viewed as something quite different. For example, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs has been seen as seminal in the Organizational Behavioral arena, yet more recent research has called into question its very validity. Studies of the application of Maslow’s theory suggests that it is a poor predictor of actual behavior; this clearly demonstrates that theory does not always work out. Lifelong learning implies we are continually reviewing not only new knowledge but older knowledge, as well.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Distinguish the important aspects of the three research methodologies.



  • Chapter 5 Arbnor and Bjerke


Background Information

Seminal works are those that are foundational and which serve as platforms for our present understanding.  Examination of those works can be educational and help the researcher understand the limitations of various research methodologies.  For this assignment, pick one seminal work; be sure to identify it in your response.



  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Prepare a discussion posting of at least 500 words that answers the following questions:
    1. How have the seminal contributions in your field led to the key practices in your field?
    2. What have been the most beneficial accomplishments of the practices?
    3. Have there been any bad results? (Bad means the results were not helpful and may be embarrassing, but no tangible harm was done to the business or organization.)
    4. Any ugly results? (Ugly means that harm did come to the business or organization.) Why or why not?

4.2 second discussion:


Getting Started

The systems methodology is typically used for complex organizations or other research topics that mimic that of life itself.  The assignment will better prepare you to discuss the approach with practitioners rather than academians.

Upon successful completion of the course material, you will be able to:

  • Assess the implication of systems concepts to real-world organizations.



  • Chapter 5 Arbnor and Bjerke


Background Information

A better understanding of the systems approach will make you more aware of the interconnectedness of real-life problems.  Demonstrating this understanding is an excellent method to emphasize your ability to solve complex problems.  



  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Prepare a discussion posting of at least 500 words that answers the following questions:
    1. When interviewed for a position, you are asked to come up with six important systems concepts and describe what they stand for.  Pick an organization for which you are interviewing and describe it in your post. Which concepts would you choose and what would your descriptions look like? 
    2. Why would you select these concepts?