discussion 5

As described in Chapter 9 (page 275) Piaget introduced the concept of the “personal fable”, which can be described as an adolescent’s belief that she or he is an extremely unique and special individual. There are several aspects to this fable, one of which is a sense of invulnerability or invincibility. Many teens engage in risky behavior as a function of this belief. They either have difficulty recognizing the possible consequences of their “risky” behaviors, or they dismiss the consequences as something that could happen – to someone else, but not to them.

Review the section on The Brain from Chapter 9 (pages 260-262), and answer the following questions.

1) What characteristics of the adolescent brain might account for adolescent risky behavior? (Be sure to cite the text as appropriate.)

2) Is there a way to break through this type of thinking and reduce risk-taking, even if their brains are partly responsible?  

3) Is reducing risk taking in teens a good idea? Or not? (Be sure to explain your answer.)

4) Participation: Read and respond to at least one other student.

  • Share your opinions on what you agree and disagree with in your classmates’ postings.
  • Be sure to read and reply to your classmates’ comments with due respect and academic integrity