Discussion 5

Answer in a single post and you must number questions accordingly – separate paragraphs for each. No attachments or outside links accepted.

Number your answers

1.  Define groupthink and then explain how you think it can be avoided.
2.  Using concepts explained in Chapter 8, describe two recommendations you would give to group leaders who are trying to promote peace between two groups with a history of conflict.
    3. Please watch the video clip below and write about what you believe the film’s characters (the woman, her “lunch date,”

        and the cook) are thinking. Also, write about your assumptions–why do you believe the characters had those thoughts?

        If you have difficulty viewing the video then you can read a description here: Description of Lunch Date video.pdf


4.  Briefly, how do you think we could discourage ethnocentrism?     

I will upload  chapter 8