Discussion 5: What Can America Learn From Japan?

As the weeks resources reveal, the Japanese experience demonstrates the importance of cultural issues, such as caring and sharing, that profoundly influence health outcomes. Without considering culture, one cannot begin to explain why Japan is the worlds healthiest nation on most mortality indicators despite having a high proportion of men smoking and the highest rates of low-birth weight babies among rich nations.

Furthermore, health outcomes in Japan are significantly better than those in the U.S., even though the U.S. spends much more on health care. What can the U.S. learn from this country?

To prepare for this Discussion, review your Learning Resources on Japans health status.

By Day 4

Post a brief analysis of how reconstruction after World War II contributed to Japans contemporary health status. Then, summarize one significant political feature and one legal feature of Japans contemporary health care system that contributes to Japans population health status. Offer two reasons (historical, political, legal, and/or cultural) for the disparity between the Japanese and American populations in health achievement. Finally, suggest two lessons other countries can learn from the Japanese experience to improve their own health status. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Use APA formatting for your Discussion and to cite your resources.
