
**Please read discussion assignment completely**

Must use the attached reading sources below for this discussion assignment 250 word requirement

Purpose: Though lvaro Obregn’s success against former ally Venustiano Carranza and the former’s victory in the 1920 elections boded well for the end of large-scale violence in Mexico, institutionalizing the Revolution and making it into a long-lasting government would take time. Nevertheless, Revolutionaries would have access to many of the same nation-building tools developed long before, including political violence and culturein particular, a kind of indigenismo that differed substantially from what had come before.

Task: The readings from Sarah Osten and Alan Knight, focus on violence and heritage in the context of Mexico shortly after the Revolution. Even the historical, social, and political context had changed by 1920, we have seen these tools in action before. consider how the use of political violence (Osten) after the Revolution compares with that of other historical periods ? Alternately, how does the use of heritage (Knight) after the Revolution contrast with that of other historical periods?