Discussion 6

watch This is Home  – 91 minutes
Answer one of the following questions:
1)The families in the documentary have eight months to assimilate themselves. Do immigrants have a duty to assimilate themselves into the local culture, or should they do their best to retain their own identifies? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies to the couple, family, and children? 

2) The families are learning English in the documentary. Should immigrants have a legal obligation to learn the local language? Why?  Why not?

3) Should immigrants have the right to have their children educated in their native language? What are the arguments for and against? Talk about the children’s adjustment in the documentary. 

Answer the two questions :
Consider strengths-based factors. What would be something that you would specifically do if working with a child and/or child and family that is similar or different from the individuals working with this group of families?

Overall reaction to the film and the experiences of these four families. What was particularly meaningful?  How are their experiences similar or different from other families who have immigrated to the United States?