
(just a respond to this prompt from my classmate simply agreeing with them.)

I think that Texas should deal with the incarceration rate by not being sent to prison or jail with certain crimes. One thing Texas needs to do is either make weed legal or just not make a criminal offense to have it. That would definitely stop the rates from going up so much.  If they do that they need to release and drop charges of all the people in jail for that. That should happen but it has not happened yet, and we do not know when or if it will happen yet. With that being said I do think Texas should be more about rehabilitation of ex-convicts. People get out of jail and get thrown into the world with nothing sometimes, when that happens of course they may go back to what they know and might end up back in jail. Texas and all of America should put more into helping people that get out of jail. A main reason I feel that not has much effort has been put into rehabilitation is because people think they did a crime now they have to live with the choices of their action. That is very true but that doesnt mean they shouldnt be able to have a chance at a decent life after they serve their time, they got out for a reason, if their crime was really that extreme, they would never have the chance to get out anyway. But also, some people dont care to try their life around but that is their choice, Texas should have a better system for ex-convicts that want to turn their life around and they should not be punished for the choices of others as a whole.

Work Cited

Initiative, Prison Policy. Texas Profile. Texas Profile | Prison Policy Initiative, www.prisonpolicy.org/profiles/TX.html.