

After you have read Chapter 1, watch the six short video clips or scenes (links are below) for a B2B opportunity. Then respond to these questions:

  1. Comment on the job of the sales professional(s). Find at least three (3) connections with the Chapter 1 material.
  2. How are the two salespeople different in their degree of a trust-based relationship? Which one would you trust more and why?

Video Clips:

  • Video 1A – 
  • Video 1B – 
  • Video 2A –       (To view please go to STAR WHEEL in bottom right corner of the video and reduce the resolution.  This reduction is not necessary with the other 4 videos.  Sorry for any inconvenience)
  • Video 2B – 
  • Video 3A – 
  • Video 3B – 

Some of you will need to reduce screen resolution on some of the Blog #1 videos to view them.