Texas Woman’s University
Internship in Health Education: Spring 2022
Weekly Log
Student’s Name: Student ID #:
Internship Site Supervisor’s Name:
Internship Site Organization:
Week of:
Description of Tasks and Alignment to the Areas of Responsibility:
Date: Monday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
Date: Tuesday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
Prasannata Batas 1292024 Ana Santiago Crossroads Community Service 3/21-3/27
This week relating to area III: I prepared food crates and boxes neededfor clients
nutritional needs. For area I: I assessed the low income family needs to provide proper
nutritious food. For area VI: I asked clients about survey questions to determine what
resources or health information they need.For area V: I I demonstrated good
leadership skills when training others.For area VII: I created a flier to give education
regarding the Obesity topic to the clients.
3/21 8:16 am 4:15 pm
Prepared food crates and boxes
needed for clients nutritional
Area III: Implement health
3.2.Train staff members and volunteers
involved in implementation of health
education/promotion. 3/22 8:24 am 4:22 pm
Ask clients survey questions to
determine what resources or
health information they need.
Area VI:Serve as a health
education/promotion resource
6.1.1 Assess needs for
health -related information. 8hrs 8hrs
Date: Wednesday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
Date: Thursday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
Date: Friday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
3/23 8:07 am 4:06 pm
Assess the low income family
needs to provide proper
nutritious food.
Area I: Assess needs, resources
and capacity for health
1.1.1 Define the priority
population to be assessed. 3/24 8:07am 4:07pm
When training others I
demonstrated good leadership
skills .
Area V : Administer and Manage
health education/promotion.
5.5 Demonstrate
leadership . 3/25 8:00 am 6:00pm
Created a flier to give education
regarding the healthy diet plan to
the clients.
Area III: Implement health
3.1.2.Develop materials to
implement the plan.
8hrs8hrs 8 hrs 10hrs
Date: Saturday/Sunday Time In: Time Out: Hours Worked
Task Area of Responsibility Specific Competency or
Total Hours Worked This Week: Total Hours Worked to Date:
Student’s Signature: Date:
Site Supervisor’s Signature: Date:
3/26-3/27 8:00 am 6:00 pm
Created a flier to give education
regarding the Obesity topic to the
Areas VII:: Communicate, Promote,
and Advocate for Health, Health
Education/Promotion, and the
7.2 Engage in advocacy for
health and health
education/promotion. 52 285.75 3/29/2022 3/29/2022 10 hrs