Discussion Board #9: The Lottery


After reading the “The Lottery,” answer the following questions. Use complete sentences and specific evidence from the text to support your claims. Make sure you also indicate the page number when you are pulling evidence from the story.

1. What was your initial gut reaction to the ending of The Lottery? Looking back over the first three paragraphs of the story, locate any two examples which may provide a sense of foreshadowing. How can some of these examples be now seen in a new light?

2. Looking at the story, almost two paragraphs are devoted to the description of the black box. What do you make of the black box? Provide any two (of the many) descriptions of the box. What could this box potentially symbolize?

3. Old Man Warner mentions that there used to be an old saying about Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.'” Taking into consideration the purpose of the lottery, what do you make of this quote?

4. Are there any cultural or historical events that Jackson might be commenting on here? Is this JUST a story about this particular time and place, or is she trying to say something important about human nature? Why has Jackson chosen common people for her characters?

5. After viewing the three clips, why do you think the themes presented in The Lottery still resonate today?

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  • Post your response to all questions. Make sure you also indicate the page number when you are pulling evidence from the story.