Discussion board Assignment. One social psychology theory is called Fundamental Attribution Error, a tendency to unfairly judge others for their character rather than as a result of the situation they

Discussion board Assignment.

One social psychology theory is called Fundamental Attribution Error, a tendency to unfairly judge others for their character rather than as a result of the situation they are in. Click here to watch a short video explanation and view examples of the Fundamental Attribution Error.  

After you have watched the video, answer the following questions:

  • Tell about a time you made a judgement of someone’s personality without have a complete understanding of the reasons for their behavior. How did that impact your relationship with them? -OR-
  • Tell about a time someone made a judgement about you without realizing the reasons for your behavior?  Again, how did that impact your relationship with them?
  • How might culutural or societal influences affect this situation?
  • How can you combat Fundamental Attribution Error?