Discussion Board mod 2


This Discussion Board will focus on common chronic medical conditions and their effects on children.

The Prompt
Respond to the following discussion question for this module.

The following resources are designed to help children learn about chronic medical conditions:

Childhood Cancer

American Childhood Cancer Organization. (2012). Just for kids. Available from

American Childhood Cancer Organization. (2012). Free books for families of children with cancer. Available from


AstraZeneca. (2004). Bubbliboo. Available from

Medical Problems of Children

Fleitas, J. (2009). Bandaides and Blackboards. Available from

Serious Health Problems of Children

Nemours Foundation. (2012). KidsHealth Health Problems. Available from

Select one of the above resources to study in detail (in the case of Kids Health it may be only a portion of the resource) and decide how it could be used with young children, their families, or their classmates. Then share ideas with your classmates about how they might use the resource. You might want to research and find additional resources. If so, post the links so that your classmates can easily benefit from your research.