Discussion Board (Please respond to student post below)

I have been paid as an hourly employee. I have trained General Managers, Area Managers, Regional Managers, and anyone looking for a promotion. I have fixed issues in stores, since most problems can be traced back to training issues. The company fell into the habit of asking us to join a group chat to keep eveyone apprised of issues. If product ran low, we are expected to go to the store we are picking product up at, have someone clock us in after loading in, and then still be at the store we were assigned to by the time scheduled. We were supposed to answer group chats day and night, and they can get rather lengthy. If was working with multiple stores, I was expeceted to function as a part of their team and solve daily issues like I would in any store. There was no extra compensation for the tasks or responsibilities I had. I had brought it up, but was basically told that I still have to do my job, although others aren’t expected to do what I did. I think a perdiem or bonus would have been nice. At least recognition or a title change.