Discussion: Borland Case Baseline Ethics

  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read from Chapter 5 of the Human Relations OER textbook.
  3. Read Borlands Brave Beginning.
  4. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following prompts:
    1. Briefly summarize the Borland Case.
    2. Clearly identify and discuss each of the Four Levels of Ethical Issues from your reading in the Human Relations text that are present in the Borland case.
      1. In your analysis, be sure to discuss how the players, in this case, were impacted at each of the four levels.
    3. What do you think about Kahns actions? Do his actions amount to shrewd business, deception, or both?
    4. Some might argue that since everyone won in the end, Kahns decision was ethical. Do you agree? Why or why not?
    5. Review the Ted Talk . What is a personal fudge factor? Does Kahns actions in the Borland case violate your personal fudge factor? Why or Why not?
    6. If you were Kahn, what might have been some ways to achieve the same outcome but in a more ethical manner? How do these approaches take into account the four levels of ethical issues from your reading?
  5. Each response should contain a detailed evaluation that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking
  6. Guidelines:
    1. Your 1.3 post should be at least 500 words in length
    2. Your 1.3 post must include two scholarly sources that are properly cited according to APA guidelines. For questions on APA style, go to . 
    3. Your 1.3 post is due by the end of Workshop One.
  7. Be prepared in Workshop Two to engage in discussion regarding your initial post. You will compose two replies to separate students posts as rebuttals to their arguments.  Then, in Workshop Three, you will need to compose a final rebuttal to a student who made a reply on your initial post.