Discussion Final

Question/Prompt: An old proverb says, “We get too soon old and too late smart.”

To help remedy this situation, your challenge is to learn about successful aging and then provide some wise advice to yourself using one of the most popular forms of modern communication the tweet.

After reading Chapter 8 in our textbook, you will compose a tweet with the best advice you can provide about aging successfullyin 140 characters or less!

If you are (ahem) of a more mature age you might consider directing your tweet to your younger self. If you have not yet experienced the joys of advancing maturity, consider directing your tweet to your older self.

Here are the rules: Your tweet must contain no more than 140 characters; it must be written in your own words; abbreviations are acceptable. Incorporate ideas from at least two domains (physical, cognitive, social/emotional, or spiritual). Note: a helpful tool for counting your characters is found at