Discussion for week 3 Leadership, followership, teamwork

Part 1

  • Describe how you have experienced or observed Tuckman’s group development process.
  • How have you seen some of these in yourself in the workplace or life in general?
  • Quote/paraphrase and cite specifics from the readings.

Part 2

  • What roles do you typically take on with respect to De Bono’s six thinking hats in a group?
  • How have you seen some of these in yourself in the workplace or life in general?
  • Quote / paraphrase and cite specifics from the readings / videos.

Part 3

  • Describe how you have experienced or observed the characteristics of great teams.
  • How have you seen some of these in yourself in the workplace or life in general?
  • Quote/paraphrase and cite specifics from the readings/videos.

Part 4

  • Provide a Biblical perspective from the assigned passages this week.

600 words.

Learning Resources for Module 3:

Read The Text:

  • Read Pages 67-76 of – Rath & Conchie’s (2008) Strength Based Leadership
  • Read the following Bible passages. Think about how they relate to being uniquely designed and how this affects you as a follower, team member, and leader.
    • Proverbs 27:17
    • Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
    • Psalm 139:14-16