Discussion: Managing a Culture Slide


Discuss the case study of Ciba-Geigy presented in Chapter 4 of the text in the context of the Humphreys & Langfords (2008) article on managing a corporate culture slide. How well did executives at Ciba-Geigy do in anticipating and managing their culture shift with respect to the questions and issues raised by Humphreys and Langford? In your response, reference at least one external source beyond the textbook and the Humphreys & Langfords (2008) article. Must use a scholarly reference and must be at least 300 words. 

Humphreys, J. & Langford, H. (2008). Managing a Corporate Cultural ‘Slide’. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 25-27.

OReilly III, C. A., Caldwell, D. F., Chatman, J. A., and Doerr, B. (2014). The Promise and Problems of Organizational Culture: CEO Personality, Culture, and Firm Performance.  Group & Organization Management, Vol. 39(6) 595625