Discussion: Micro/Mezzo Versus Macro Work

Should social workers focus on changing the individual or the environment? Often, social problems require intervention at all levels (micro, mezzo, and macro). At the micro and mezzo levels, social workers engage with individuals and small groups to target individual change. At the macro level, social workers target broader social forces impacting a group experience. For example, a social worker could address sexual assault by providing individual case management or facilitating a support group for survivors. A social worker could also address sexual assault at the community level by raising awareness of consent or advocating for policy change to increase survivors’ access to support and justice.

In this Discussion, consider a client population you might like to work with during your field placement and how you might engage this population at the micro/mezzo and macro levels.

  • A description of a client population with whom you might work while completing your field placement.
  • An explanation of the problems this population might experience.
  • Two ways a social worker could address these problems at the micro/mezzo level.


Segal, E. A., Gerdes, K. E., & Steiner, S. (2019). An introduction to the profession of social work: Becoming a change agent (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 6, “Generalist Social Work Practice”