Discussion Nutrition


Write a 250-word paragraph post, without spelling or grammar errors and respond to 2 classmates with thoughtful and meaningful responses.  Maximum points will be awarded for students who provide detailed responses that “discuss” the topic.

This Nutrition Discussion Forum #1 posting is part of Unit 1 assignments.  Make sure you have read chapter 1 before completing this activity. You must 1st post your initial post before viewing other posts or points will be lost.

  1. Give a brief description of the top 3 reasons you choose the foods you eat, based on 1.1 Food Choices. I have attached the 1.1 food choices. 
  2. Provide your description as to why these are the 3 most important factors for you.
  3. Provide details from your textbook with in-text page number citations (if no pages numbers, use page section and heading) from your textbook as to why this approach is supported.
  4. 250-word (minimum) original post