Discussion Post- Due today

Watch Watch “Prosecutors drop criminal charges in Newport News due to ‘bad interrogation'” on YouTube

  • Discuss whether the police department made the right decision by dismissing the case against the juvenile? Why?
  • Scenario: Mr. Lemoine, who was 22 years old, molested his friend’s five-year-old daughter in the back yard of her home. Mr. Lemoine went to the police station and initially denied any knowledge of the assault. The officers wanted Mr. Lemoine to confess to his crime, so they engaged in several ploys designed to entice him to confess. First, the detective promised not to put Mr. Lemoine in jail in exchange for the “true story.” Second, the detective stated that if Mr. Lemoine told “the truth,” the detective would keep the case out of the newspapers and the “public forum.” Third, the detective implied that if Mr. Lemoine did not tell the truth, he would be unable to make any calls while he was in jail, strongly implying a restriction on Mr. Lemoine contacting an attorney. Fourth, the detective exaggerated the evidence the police had against Mr. Lemoine and suggested that they had scientific evidence that demonstrated his guilt. Finally, the detective failed to advise Mr. Lemoine of his Miranda rights. Shortly after, Mr. Lemoine confessed. He was officially charged with sexual assault a short time later and given a trial. Mr. Lemoine was convicted.
  • List what you think were, if any, deceptive practices by the police in this scenario. Discuss if the case against Mr. Lemoine should have been dropped or not and why?