Discussion Post Forum #4

Quite often society has struggled with what is pro-social versus anti-social behavior. Please offer your opinions on the definition of pro-social versus anti-social behavior. What do you believe are the root causes for each type of behavior? Is it possible to change anti-social behavior? If so, what do you feel are the key elements in this change? Support your opinions using evidence-based research.

Book reference: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). http://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

Coon, D., Mitterer, J.,   & Martini, T. (2019). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (15th ed.). Cengage.


In my opinion, anti-social behavior is displayed as a lack of social ability in social settings, as well as other characteristics that develop with this type of manner.  Characteristics include lying, aggressiveness, manipulation, no consideration of others and charming to name a few.  The way I see it, the root cause of anti-social behavior can stem from childhood situations to genetics.  Anti-social behavior is labeled as a negative connotation and compared to a psychopath.  This behavior can be harmful for the carrier and those around them.  It is possible to change anit-social behavior if the person is willing.  According to a short journal I read on WebMd, key elements that could help change the behavior would be to seek pscychotherapy or behavioral therapy, sometimes taking a mood stabilizer, or attending a support group. Pro-social behavior however, is the complete opposite.  With this behavior, the person would caring of others and sometimes over caring could cause harm to that person.  For example, risking their life for someone else even if they did not know that person.  In my personal opinion, it would be hard to change pro-social behavior because of it’s benefits.  According to an article I read on verywellmind.com, pro-social benefits include mood boosting, social support and stress reduction.  Obviously it is the antonym for anti-social behavior and it displays the complete opposite behavior.  Pro-social and anti-social behavior have been studied by scientists and they have been determined to often motivated by differing forces and linked to genetics over time. 



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