discussion question.


Part: Warm up Questions

Watch the following videos:

  1. In your own words, define classical conditioning, operational conditioning, and shaping. How are these terms distinct yet related to one another?
  2. View this video of pigeons playing ping pong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGazyH6fQQ4 How did psychologists teach them to do this?

Part 2: Case Example

Your pet (dog, cat, chinchilla, you get to pick) scratches your brand new arm chair! You would like them to stop that, so you devise a plan using operational conditioning terms in your psychology class.

Define your plan using punishment OR reinforcement and explain if your approach is positive or negative that is, adding a stimulus or taking a stimulus away).

**Please note positive and negative do not mean good or bad.

***Also note, you will complete a very similar behavior plan for yourself in assignment 2 (take a look here: )