Discussion Question

Please respond to the following: (1 or 2 paragraphs)

  • According to Federal Law (Megan’s Law), if a 14-year-old boy touches a 14-year-old girls breast outside her clothing; he can be charged with sexual abuse at the 1st degree and would have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Based on this law, discuss whether you believe this is a fair sanction. Justify your response.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

RESPONSE (1 Paragraph)

Hello everyone,

I think that this is a serious subject for a lot of people. I have both, a daughter and a son and I can tell you that I would not want to see either of them violated in any way. I feel like 14 is where a lot of teenagers begin to get curious and see how far they can go with one another. Some would say “second base” would be touching the girls boob while kissing. I can say whole heartedly if my son is feeling a girl up while kissing, that is his own age,and they are both consenting he better not get a charged with rape and be put on a registry. Now in a different circumstance where the 14 year old girl says no don’t touch me and he does it anyway then that is a problem that needs to be handled. I don’t think that 14 is an appropriate age to be charged as a sex offender unless this is a 2nd or 3rd offense. If there was a pattern of sexual abuse, I would then worry. Being classified as a sex offender at the age of 14 is a harsh punishment. They have their whole lives ahead of them. Would this law also apply to a 14 year old girl if she grabs a 14 year old boy’s privates over his pants? I believe there are other ways to get through to a teenager at this age and mental capacity rather than being charged as an adult and this should be looked at as a case by case situation. 

Thank you for reading,

Kaylynn Knight