Discussion questions post


  • Discuss the impact of disability on family life as outlines in Chapter 5 of Hanson & Lynch, Understanding Families.  Be sure to discuss the facets of family life that you did not originally expect to be impacted by disability.  Next, read the case study on page 107-108 in Hanson & Lynch.  Research and discuss 2 local (local to you) programs and/or supports that may of assistance to this family.


  • Describe what a family is, based on your own experiences and preconceived notion of the definition of family.  Then compare this to some of the discussed families in Chapter 1 of Hanson & Lynch, Understanding Families.  Chapter 2 outlines diversity in contemporary families and highlights many of the complex issues that may be easily overlooked.


  • Discuss the theoretical perspectives for understanding families as outlined in Chapter 3 of Hanson & Lynch, Understanding Families.  Compare and contract the perspectives presented.  Which theoretical perspectives can you imagine utilizing more often? Least often? Why?