Hi Everyone
For any given vertical (or horizontal) stretch or shrink, is there a corresponding horizontal (or vertical) stretch or shrink which gives rise to the identical graph transformations? Explain your reasoning. There will always be a corresponding horizontal or vertical stretch or shrink because you will either add or subtract horizontal or vertical which will move the curve right or left depending on what function your using.
Describe a process (step-by-step) in your daily life in which the order of events is important. What would happen if you switched the order? I am used to a routine. Reveille (wake-up call) is usually at 0600. To prepare for the day I rise early at 0430. I get PT (physical training or a workout), showered and about 3 cups of coffee in before 0600. Hence my day starts. Coffee is the most important part of that routine. No coffee equates to a borderline zombie. I am not the friendliest leader or willing to hear any problems until I have had coffee. My day is out of whack without PT and coffee. I seem to get everything under control about 9 or 10ish with them in the mornings.
Describe a process (step-by-step) in your field of study in which the order of events is important. What would happen if you switched the order? Working in the engineering filed there are steps to follow when trouble shooting a piece of equipment from cradle to grave. If for instance the engine will not start, you would not simply add fuel as your first step. You would check your permissive’ s first. (Logics that are put into place to prevent the equipment from starting). Once you have checked these and nothing has been flagged you would move on to the next step of troubleshooting. Going out of order could cause equipment failure and harm to personnel.