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Categorical Data Analysis

Dependent Variable, Independent Variable & Level of Measurement

An independent variable (IV) used to analyze the Afrobarometer data set is Country by Region, which is a nominal level of measurement. A dependent variable (DV) is Q3b. Your present living conditions, which is an ordinal level of measurement.

Research Question, Null Hypothesis & Chi-square

The research question states, What is the relationship between Country by Region (IV) and Q3b. Your present living conditions (DV)?  The null hypothesis states, There is no relationship between Country by Region (IV) and Q3b. Your present living conditions (DV). Correlational research designs allow researchers to examine relationships between variables. Specifically, Chi-square statistic allows researchers to examine the relationship between categorical (nominal & ordinal) variables (Frankfort-Nachmias, Leon-Guerrero, & Davis, 2020), like Country by Region & Q3b. Your present living conditions.

SPSS Output

Analysis of Afrobarometer suggests, Country by Region (IV) and Q3b. Your present living conditions (DV) are significantly related; 2(12, N = 10272) = 366.34, p<.00. Therefore, because results are statistically significant, researchers can reject the null hypothesis, which states there is no relationship between Country by Region (IV) and Q3b. Your present living conditions (DV). The effect size for this finding, Cramers V, was weak, .11